Addendum to: Strength of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field - A Comparison of Independent Estimates Using Contemporaneous Radio and White-Light Observations

Published in Solar Physics, Volume 292, Issue 12, article id.177, 3 pp., 2017

Authors: Kumari, A., Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C. & Wang, J. T.

This addendum uses an alternate fit for the electron density distribution N (r) (see Figure 1) and estimates the coronal magnetic field using the new model. We find that the estimates of the magnetic field are in close agreement using both the models.

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Recommended citation: Kumari, A., Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C., and Wang, T. J., “Addendum to: Strength of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field - A Comparison of Independent Estimates Using Contemporaneous Radio and White-Light Observations”, Solar Physics, vol. 292, no. 12, 2017. doi:10.1007/s11207-017-1203-3.